Who the hell are these people?
Jared Patton
Rebel without a clue
The life Jared Patton led before joining The Unforgiven wasn't exactly easy--but it was certainly simpler! Now the World Chancellor personally wants to murder him, a giant demon-thing seems to be following him around, and some wicked dream-menace won't let him get any decent shuteye. After his old life blew up, Jared is still trying to determine his greater purpose--and not get killed in the meantime.
Serena Slater
The firebrand
Taken in as a little girl by Christian Caine, now-adult Serena uses her years of combat training and anti-establishment education from the rebels to aid them in their fight against the Triumvirate. Fiercely determined and idealistic, Serena will let nothing stop her from doing what she believes is right--no matter the risk or the cost.
Kenzington Radcliffe
The tyrant
Okay, what's this guy's problem? Recently ascended World Chancellor Kenzington Radcliffe is on an all-consuming quest for vengeance for something Jared's estranged father did--the only problem is, Jared has no idea what it is! As Minister of Order, Radcliffe used the WUN's military police to rule the land with an iron fist. But since becoming Chancellor, and his encounter with Jared Patton and The Demon, Radcliffe has become...distracted...
Jon Diamond
The heir aberrant
His father Cameron is the richest man on Earth--and Jon couldn't be less impressed. Jon's whole life has been an exercise in trying to make his own way in the world, distancing himself from his father and his legacy...but he's just ended up squarely back in the middle of his father's affairs by becoming entangled with The Unforgiven. Is there anything untouched by Cameron Diamond's reach?
The Demon
What the hell?
Seriously, what the hell? This thing just showed up to rescue Jared from Radcliffe, then disappeared. We don't know anything else about it, but that's not...y'know...normal...
It looks kind of like the other demon-thing, but this one has been appearing in nightmares and trying to keep people asleep! Like, seriously--WHAT is going on with these things?
Leader of the Unforgiven
Following the World United Nation's assassination of his parents to consolidate power, young Christian Caine formed the rebel alliance dubbed "The Unforgiven" to overthrow the oppressive government responsible for their deaths. Twenty-five years later, Caine's crusade to dismantle the tyrannical WUN Triumvirate and establish a new world order continues, alongside the ragtag group of rebels he's collected along the way.
Ben Douglas
The magic man
You know the saying: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"--and Ben has that technology. Able to teleport, create impenetrable force-fields, and even facilitate some minor telepathy, Ben is The Unforgiven's resident "wizard." He's lived enough years standing idly by, watching the world devolve into a horror show--and now, he's finally ready to help do something about it. Wait, just how old is this guy?
Jeff Maxwell
The right hand man
The former Chief of Staff to the very last President of the United States, chain-smoking Jeff Maxwell now uses his political experience to help navigate and guide Christian Caine through the nuances involved with dismantling a corrupt power structure to replace it with a just one. His calculated caution makes him slow to act as a leader, but an asset as an advisor.
The avenger
The youngest member of the Unforgiven, Coriander Starling joined the rebellion to uncover the identity of the soldier who killed her sister...and exact her revenge. Skilled with a bow and learned in seven different languages, Cor's skills in both communications and long-range combat are an invaluable asset to the rebel cause.
Matt Ward
The lone survivor
Found at 16 as the only survivor of a decimated rebel encampment, Matt Ward now serves as The Unforgiven's resident tactician. It may be the wariness inherent in his position that gives Matt his prickly demeanor, and prevents him from becoming too close to the other rebels--but it's probably, y'know, the fact that everyone he knew and cared about was slaughtered...
The good doctor
Age may be "just a number" in some cases--but in the World United Nation, if that number is seventy, you're State-mandated toast...and Dr. Charles Kingsley isn't nearly ready to die yet. The Unforgiven's resident medic, Charles patches up the battle wounds on the rebels fighting to topple the government set on his execution...until the day he can live out his remaining years in peace.
Sara Ramos
The outlaw, esquire
She was once an attorney on a crusade to defend the innocent from the draconian laws of the World United Nation--but too many defeats and lives lost to unrelenting fascism convinced Sara Ramos that she could more effectively aid those in need from outside the legal system. Working with her childhood friend Christian Caine as part of The Unforgiven, she hopes to one day build a society where true justice is within reach of all, rather than something we must take for ourselves.
The strong, silent type
A recent addition to the core group of Unforgiven rebels, Orion's origins still remain mostly a mystery. The guy doesn't say much--but he sure can take a beating! ...And deal one out.